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Bhutan, a dream destination for travellers from every corner of the world! The fairytale, mystical Kingdom tucked away in the Himalayas between China and India, remains famous worldwide for its innovative Gross National Happiness Index and the distinction of being the only carbon negative country in the world
It is known that Bhutan is a country that prides itself on its lush forestry, ecology and rich wildlife. Premium travel services in Bhutan are committed to sustainability with a deep obligation to care for Bhutan’s environment, natural resources and communities as well as preserving and protecting the world’s only carbon-negative country.
The fairytale, mystical Kingdom of Bhutan tucked away in the Himalayas between China and India, remains famous worldwide for its innovative Gross National Happiness Index and the distinction of being the only carbon negative country in the world. Bhutan is known for its high mountains usually capped with gleaming snow and low-deep valleys covered in rich vegetation. The Kingdom remains a prime example of luxury travels in the himalayas.
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