The art of packing light

Packing light is an art.

Once you master the art of packing smarter and lighter, you will feel like a bird, not packed like a mule. The minimalist approach to packing makes you more mobile and saves you money on excess luggage. You can even skip the wait at baggage claim, which is a huge win for me.

As a traveler, I have met some fellow travelers hauling up to 30kg worth of stuff in their huge backpacks. They struggle, curse, and swear that they will never pack so much again, only to do it again for their next trip. 

On my trips, I have met people who always look shocked when they see the size of my luggage and asked if I could share any tips that would help them pack light.

So, I thought, why not share the art of packing light for a long trip. All my 11 tips are easy to implement that I have picked up through my trials and errors as a newbie and from online.

Tip#1.Choosing the Right Carry-On Bag

The smaller the bag, the less you carry

It may seem rather obvious but choose a smaller carry-on bag because the smaller the bag is, the less you will be packing. Also, check the weight of the bag. If you are buying a carry-on bag online, they usually mention the weight of the bag.

Tip#2.Packing List

Write a packing list and stick with it

Write a packing list a few days before your trip and stick to it. If you are uncertain what to pack, look online for the packing list like” what to pack for X destination.”

Tip#3. Pack Items You can Mix and Match

Mix and match 

The key to packing light is creating outfits before the trip. If you pack clothes, you can mix and match in style and colors and create more outfits with fewer items. The same rules apply to shoes. Pack shoes that you can mix and match with most outfits.

Tip#4. Pack Only Three Pairs of Shoes

Comfort with fashion

Stick to a maximum of three pairs of shoes and a pair of flip-flops you can use for a casual stroll on the beach. Be sure to pack shoes based on where you are going and the activities planned. 

Tip#5. Wear Bulky and Heavy Items

Be free like a bird on trips

Wearing your bulky and heavy items on you will save you space in your bag, and since airports usually have their AC turned to the max, you won’t regret wearing them.

Tip#6. Use Packing Cubes

Packing cubes are the greatest invention

Packing cubes are an avid traveler’s best friend. They help even the most disorganized traveler keep things nice and tidy while saving you some space.

Tip#7.Bag Up Shoes

Use Ziploc bags 

Shoe carrier bags are expensive and heavy. An alternative to the expensive shoe carrier bags is XL Ziploc bags. You can re-use them several times before occasionally getting a new one.

Tip#8. Use Travel Size Toiletries

Use travel-size bottles to refill them with your regular products 

Most shops and pharmacies sell travel-size bottles that you can refill with your favorite products. This includes a travel-size towel as well, which is lightweight. 

Tip#9. Only Pack Prescription Meds

Be sure to take your prescription with you 

If you are prescribed any medication, be sure to pack them with you, but when it comes to non-prescribed drugs, you can usually get them off the counter at pretty much anywhere you are traveling to. 

Tip#10. Do Laundry on The Way

Do your laundry on the trip or separate them with plastic bags

Most hotels and hostels offer laundry services, but it is always a good idea to safely travel light without worrying about mixing your clean clothes with dirty clothes. Pack your dirty clothes in a plastic bag, so the dirty clothes aren’t mixed with your clean ones.

Tip#11. Ditch the Things That aren’t Necessary

  • Hairdryer

If you are going on a long trip, the chances are that you will be staying in hotels. Most hotels provide hairdryers and other styling tools, so save yourself unnecessary weight by leaving the hairdryer at home.

  • Bulky jewelry and makeup

Many female travelers will tell you that mascara and lipstick are more than enough when packing for a long trip. The same goes for jewelry; pack minimalist jewelry items that you can wear with multiple outfits.  

Simplify your travel luggage with planning to ensure that you have everything you need while still moving around comfortably during your trip. Trust me, you don’t want to be the one slowing the whole group by dragging your bulky luggage around.

Do you have any more tips for packing lights that I missed? If so, please share it down below. 

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